January 2025 archive

Tantalizing Tales — January 2025 — Part Three

What a busy month filled with some terrific books! We’re on our third round-up of January so let’s dive straight into some of the really terrific books I’m hoping to find time to read soon. First up is Linda H Codega’s Motheater. Being a game designer, I know Mx Codega from their excellent work reporting …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2025/01/31/tantalizing-tales-january-2025-part-three/

The Whitestone Chronicles, Volume 1: Ripley by Marieke Nijkamp & Tyler Walpole

with input from Critical Role, ofc, as this is part of the Legend Of Vox Machina universe. I have to admit that I’ve never really gotten into the CR lore and fandom, mostly due to the fact that when I have time for role-playing games, it’s because I’m playing them, not watching other people play …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2025/01/30/the-whitestone-chronicles-volume-1-ripley-by-marieke-nijkamp-tyler-walpole/

Shadow Of The Eternal Watcher by Josh Mendoza (EXCERPT)

Hi, readers! Today we have an excerpt from a very cool speculative fiction debut by screenwriter Josh Mendoza, the genre-bending Shadow Of The Eternal Watcher. From the blurb: “Private detective Duster Raines has demons. Some visit him in his dreams, reminding him of the choices he made in combat to survive. Others visit him while …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2025/01/29/shadow-of-the-eternal-watcher-by-josh-mendoza-excerpt/

Gastronogeek: Gothic Recipes by Thibaud Villanova

The Gastronogeek himself Thibaud Villanova flies solo for this installment of his thoughtfully designed, geek-culture-inspired cookbook series. Despite embracing something of a goth aesthetic myself during college, I haven’t really consumed a lot of gothic media, as this book has definitely enlightened me to. Dracula and The Addams Family were, ofc, two unmissable properties, showcasing …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2025/01/28/gastronogeek-gothic-recipes-by-thibaud-villanova/

Carla’s Glasses by Debbie Herman & Sheila Bailey

It’s so uncommon to find a book that perfectly captures both exuberance and empathy as well as Carla’s Glasses does! And especially in so few pages, and in a way that’s perfect for readers of all ages. Carla is one of those rare but delightful grade schoolers who loves standing out. When her teacher Ms …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2025/01/27/carlas-glasses-by-debbie-herman-sheila-bailey/

Tantalizing Tales — January 2025 — Part Two

Hello, readers! There have been so many exciting books publishing this month that January’s Tantalizing Tales is expanding to three columns. Let’s dive in! First off are several books that debuted on January 14, also known as (to give him his full title: my kids’ future stepdad) Declan Rice Day! First is a hilarious thriller …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2025/01/24/tantalizing-tales-january-2025-part-two/

Lost In The Future Vol 1: The Storm by Damian & Alex Fuentes

translated from the original French by Tom Imber. This cute portal fantasy revolves around a group of school kids who go on a field trip to the ruins of a castle once owned by the Knights Templar. As a thunderstorm approaches, their teacher calls them all back to the bus. One “nerdy” group is carefully …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2025/01/23/lost-in-the-future-vol-1-the-storm-by-damian-alex-fuentes/

Beginner Chess Puzzles by Martin Bennedik

subtitled 500 Practice Exercises to Take Your Game to the Next Level. Despite being a huge fan of games and puzzles of all kinds, chess has never been my thing. I have tried since I was a kid to learn and enjoy it but I get super bored and, frankly, can’t see all the options …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2025/01/22/beginner-chess-puzzles-by-martin-bennedik/

Revony Rhinoceros Starts To Smile by Patricia Bardina, Joanne Burgess & Paul Sharp

subtitled A Lesson in Body Language. So I have two children on the autism spectrum, and one thing I don’t have patience for is autism advice that centers the parent over the child. That is, unfortunately, a perspective that drives way too many of the books available for people looking to better aid and understand …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2025/01/21/revony-rhinoceros-starts-to-smile-by-patricia-bardina-joanne-burgess-paul-sharp/

Tantalizing Tales — January 2025 — Part One

Hello, readers! January is always such a weird month, feeling at once packed with activity and strangely prolonged. Depending on how many recent releases I can spotlight here, I might have to do three round-up columns this month, starting with this one! Late last year, I was sent a delightful gift bundle featuring Ramsey Campbell’s …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2025/01/17/tantalizing-tales-january-2025-part-one/